Wednesday 1 April 2009


Media Studies – Music Magazine Evaluation

My media product certainly develops and challenges the forms and conventions of real media products. My music magazine front cover has a typical layout of a music magazine you would see in the shops. There is a clear main footer with the magazines name and a big picture on the front to show the main point of interest inside the magazine which is the month’s biggest story. Although I did layout the contents page differently instead of having boxes with different pictures in each one I had one medium sized picture in the background with the text layers on top. Then my 2 page article was also very similar to real media products because of the text rap effect I used around the main picture in that article. So yes my media does challenge forms with fresh new ideas although some of them are the same to real products.

My front cover represents the social group of what you would call rockers. The magazine front cover in which I have designed has a group of boys who play guitar, bass and drums signifying what rockers would do. A typical stereotype of a rocker is someone who has average to long length hair which is why I have picked these types of boys for my front cover. So yes my media product has represented a particular social group. A believe a company such as "ignite portfolio" would distribute my magazine because most of the time they release rock music magazines and mens magazines which is typically the type of people that would be interested in buying my magazine, ignite portfolio would most likely see my magazine as a massive opportunity for them. NME and uncut are great examples of what they already publish.

Media institutions such as those interested in young UK bands and rock in general would certainly be distributed in my music magazine. Teenage television channels and programmes would quite definitely be interested in distributing my media product because people watching these programmes or this television channel would be at the same age range as my magazine front cover and would most likely be interested in music at that age making these media institutions fit in perfectly with my product.

I believe the audience to my music magazine would be at 13 – 16 year old teenagers who are interested in rock music. On the front cover of my magazine you have a band of 4 boys who are each aged 14 and 15. This instantly gives a point of view of who the magazine is aimed at. Also the simple layout and easy to follow magazine is clearly made in that way so people from this age group find it easy to read, follow and understand. The magazine also had interesting things to read and do like interviews to read and competitions to take part in which attracted this younger audience. The free posters also made it one of the most wanted magazines in the UK. The magazine was advertised in schools and colleges for people to get to know about it. Lastly all the articles involved in the magazine which had rude words were muted out or changed, making it appropriate.

I have learnt a lot about the technologies for constructing this product. Firstly taking pictures on a Digital Camera which I transferred onto an Apple Mac using a USB Cable. I have learnt how pictures are sent from technology to technology and used instantly on software seconds after. I also learnt how to use these technologies better than before, e.g. taking a picture on the digital camera in the dark and sending them to the computer through a USB cable. I've also not only learnt how to improve my Photoshop skills but I have learnt how to use new software such as Apple Works. On top of all of that I have improved my annotating skills in a big way and something really handy I learnt was how things are done in a certain way e.g. why the layout is always kept the same etc…

The last thing I had to do was put all my work onto this blog. The front cover and contents page which I made in Adobe Photoshop CS2 was converted into a jpg file which I uploaded onto here. The 2 page spread however had to be converted to a word document and then converted into a jpg file as you cannot convert apple work files into jpg files. This was difficult and frustrating as convert was quite time consuming. Then I had to get the 2 front covers of music magazines and articles that I had analysed onto the blog. I only had an A4 scanner so I had to scan each annotation on half and half as they were A3 size, then with Adobe Photoshop CS2 joined the 2 parts of the sheet back together and uploaded them to blogspot as a jpg format.. So the blog is now complete.

2 page spread article!

Below is my FINAL draft.

Below is my 2nd draft.

Below is my 1st draft.

Tuesday 31 March 2009

The idea behind my front cover

I really liked this picture, and it gave me a great idea for my music front cover, the resemblance can be seen.

Monday 30 March 2009

Music Magazine Content Page

New and improved contents page above after taking note of comments.

Music Magazine Front Cover

Updated version of my magazine front cover is above after taking into account some of the comments made in class. Tell me what you think, thanks! =)

Thursday 26 March 2009